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Orders and workflows

Placing orders and tracking statuses

Updated over a week ago

To place an order on Digifabster, users first need to create an account and upload their 3D model for the part or product they want to have manufactured. They can then select the manufacturing process and material they want to use, specify any additional requirements or preferences, and submit the order. The platform will provide a quote for the order, which the user can review and accept. Once the order is placed, the manufacturer will produce the part or product and deliver it to the user according to the agreed-upon timeline.

There are 3 main cases to use the Digifabster platform, illustrated in the schematic below.

Case 1. Receiving a regular order

To place an order on Digifabster, the user will need to follow these steps:

  1. Create an account on the platform by providing your contact and billing information.

  2. Upload the 3D model for the part or product you want to have manufactured.

  3. Select the manufacturing process and material you want to use. You can choose from a range of options, possibly including 3D printing, CNC machining, and injection molding.

  4. Specify any additional requirements or preferences for the part, such as the finish or color of the part.

  5. Add shipping details.

  6. Review the quote and confirm the order if you agree with the price and terms. The order is now "placed".

  7. Provided payment terms have been met, the manufacturer will produce the part or product according to your specifications and deliver it to you according to the agreed-upon timeline.


Order has been placed by the end-customer. Payment status is ‘Ready for Payment

There are 2 options for the user, pay instantly or download an invoice for future payment.


The shop will receive the order from the customer in the back office with the order status "Placed"

Status "Placed"

The order status "Placed" indicates that the order has been successfully received by the shop.

Once the order has been placed, the customer will usually receive an email confirmation. The shop may demand payment before the start of production.

Case 2. Review offer

Order review is a process that allows the shop to edit the required order parameters, approve the order specification, and make any changes to models and costs before sending the order into production.

During the order review process, the order specification, which includes all of the relevant details, is carefully reviewed by the shop to ensure that it meets the customer's requirements and expectations. This may involve making changes to the order specification, such as modifying the models or quantities being ordered or adjusting the costs associated with the order.

Once the order specification has been reviewed by both shop and customer and approved, the order can be sent into production, where it will be manufactured or fulfilled according to the specified parameters.

To place an order for review on Digifabster, the user will need to follow these steps:

  1. Create an account on the platform by providing your contact and billing information.

  2. Upload the design or CAD file for the part or product you want to have manufactured.

  3. Select the manufacturing process and material you want to use. You can choose from a range of options, including 3D printing, CNC machining, and injection molding.

  4. Specify any additional requirements or preferences for your order

  5. Submit the order for review by clicking on the button

  6. Receive e-mail with a firm offer.

  7. Review the firm offer and accept it if you agree with the price and terms.

  8. The manufacturer will produce the part or product according to your specifications and deliver it to you according to the agreed-upon timeline.


The end-customer makes an order and presses the "Submit for review" button on the payment page.

The end-customer will get a payment page with a status ‘Budget offer’ and there will be no ‘Pay now’ button. So that means he has to wait for the shop to send a firm offer which he can confirm and then pay.

The end-customer can see his budget offer by clicking on the button “Review budget offer”. When the shop-owner changes the order status to the next one by sending a firm offer, the end-customer can proceed with his order and go for payment.


Once the user has created the order and submitted it for review, the shop will see this order with a status "Waiting for review'

Status "Waiting for review'

After the shop owner has reviewed the order he can change the order status "Waiting for review' to “Firm offer sent”, so the end-customer will get an e-mail with a payment page link. There will be a new status ‘Firm offer’ and there will be no ‘Pay now’ button yet.

The end-customer has to accept and confirm the order to proceed for further payment. Once the end-customer confirms the offer, the order becomes "placed" as above.

Case 3. IQT (Quotation tool)

The Internal Quotation Tool (IQT) is a feature that allows shops and other manufacturing businesses to quickly and easily generate quotes for custom manufacturing projects. By inputting the models, choosing materials, and setting other parameters of their projects, the shop can receive a quote based on real-time pricing data.

Use the IQT tool for internal use with all benefits of the Digifabster platform or get models from your customers to make orders for them.

Go to backoffice to start usinq the IQT mode and follow steps:

  1. Sign in to your account

  2. Click on the Quotation tool section

  3. Select the end-customer the quote is meant for

  4. Proceed to the next step, which is to upload your 3D model, using an enhanced version of the Digifabster widget - a tool that allows you to easily upload and view 3D models within the platform.

  5. Once your model is uploaded, you can use the various features and benefits of the Digifabster platform to manage your order.

  6. When you're satisfied the order is correctly spec'ed you can send an offer to the intended end customer. Alternatively, you can save it as a draft to work on at a later stage.

  7. After you've sent the offer, its status becomes "firm offer sent".

  8. Your end customer gets the firm offer in the form of an email with a payment link. He can confirm the offer, the order now becomes "placed". The option to pay online, if installed, becomes available only after confirmation.


Go to backoffice to start usinq the IQT mode.


Use the enhanced Digifabster widget to create an order on your customer's behalf.

The status Placed

To clearly understand the status "Placed" users have to keep in mind that Digifabster is not a party in the transactions between customer and shop. The status "Placed" indicates that the customer has seen and agreed to the quality, quantity, delivery terms, and price offered by the shop. Payment terms, unless mentioned in the Shop's General Terms and Conditions, still have to be agreed on and met. DigiFabster can assist in offering payment methods online (e.g. instant payment at order), but, not being party to the transaction, can not guarantee payment itself.

Additional information about the order statuses

We have several order statuses that we provide shop owners. Each one can be used to track what stage an order is in.

Below is a list of all of the order statuses and a description for each one.

  • Waiting for review

    • Indicates that an order has been submitted for review by the customer but is currently waiting to be reviewed and approved by the shop.

  • Firm offer sent

    • The shop has sent the commercial offer to the client and is waiting for a response and/or feedback

  • Placed

    • The order has been placed by the customer. The customer can proceed with payment and the shop can start manufacturing

  • PO provided

    • A PO was sent to the shop by the customer.

  • Waiting for payment

    • The order is pending payment by the customer.

  • On hold

    • The order can be placed on hold at any time. (Use it for any reason, e.g., you are out of raw material, the order is pending processing, etc.)

  • Free for manufacturing

    • The customer's models have been adjusted, and are ready for production. The order doesn't need any further changes.

  • Manufacturing

    • Models are currently in production and awaiting completion.

  • Post-production

    • The models have been manufactured and are in the final stages of completion (e.g. Models can be enhanced by sanding, polishing, painting, etc)

  • Re-printing

    • During production, a faulty model can form, so it should be reprinted again.

  • Ready for shipping

    • The order is completed and ready to be shipped

  • Shipped

    • The order has been shipped to the customer

  • Ready for pickup

    • The order is completed and waiting for the customer to pick it up

  • Delivered

    • The customer has received their order

  • PO Payment due

    • A PO was accepted and now the customer’s payment is due

  • Canceled by customer

    • The order was canceled by the customer as a result of the reason(s) they provided.

  • Canceled by admin

    • The order was canceled by the shop as a result of reason(s) determined by them

Go to the back office, Orders section and then click on any order and then click on the top right button "Change"

E-mails for order statuses

Every order status has a notification letter which is sent by e-mail to the shop and the customer. Each email contains order details and the current status of the order.

  • The order status - Placed | e-mail:

    • The customer gets an e-mail that the shop has received their order with all details included

    • The shop gets an email with a notification about receiving a new order

  • The order status - Waiting for review | e-mail:

    • The customer gets an email that the shop has received his submittal.

    • The shop gets an email that the order needs reviewing.

  • The order status - Firm offer sent | e-mail:

    • The customer gets an email that the manufacturing offer is ready with a link to the invoice

    • The shop gets an email that the order status has been changed from "Waiting for review" to "Firm offer sent.

  • The order status - PO provided | e-mail:

    • The customer gets confirmation by email that status of his order has been updated to "PO provided".

    • The shop gets an email that the order status has been changed from previous order status to "PO provided"

  • The order status - Waiting for payment | e-mail:

    • The customer gets an email with a notification that the order is waiting for payment

    • The shop gets an email that the order status has been changed from "Placed" to "Waiting for Payment"

  • The order statuses - On hold, Free for manufacturing, Manufacturing, Post-production, Re-printing, Ready for shipping, Shipped, Ready for pickup, Delivered, Canceled by customer, Canceled by admin | e-mail:

    • The customer gets an email that the order status has been changed from the previous order status to current

    • The shop gets an email that the order status has been changed from the previous order status to current

  • The order status - PO Payment due | e-mail:

    • The customer gets an email with a notification

      • that the order status has been changed to PO Payment due

      • and with a link to review and pay the order

    • The customer gets an email with a reminder that 'Payment due' is coming in 2 days for the order

    • The shop gets an email that the order status has been changed from the previous order status to current

Customer's billing contact

If your customer fills out the billing contact form, a carbon copy of the mail is sent after the order status change to Firm offer sent, Placed, PO Provided, and Payment Due

The paid and unpaid order statuses

  • The order status - Paid | e-mail:

    • The customer gets an email that the shop has received payment for the order

    • The shop gets an email that the customer has paid for the order

  • The order status - Unpaid | No emails

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