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Sales Dashboard Page Guide
Updated over a year ago

The sales dashboard displays information about a number of 'trackable' items on your DigiFabster account including model uploads, carts, and orders. You can even see which materials are more popular and who your biggest customers are.

You can adjust the time scale that is being displayed using the filters at the top left. There are some pre-set filters, for example 'Last 12 Months', 'Last 30 Days' etc. or you can specify a date range using the 'Specific Dates' or 'Relative Dates' options.

Hovering over the data in the tables will show you additional information relating to that table. For example the name and weight of material consumed in the lasst 30 days.

If you want to download any of the results, hover your mouse over the table. A cloud icon should appear in the top right. Clicking this will give you the option to download the data in a number of formats.

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