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Selecting default values of Material options in dropdowns

As a company, you can decide your own drop-down sorting preferences for materials options

Updated over a year ago

Let's have a look at a customer's view when he or she wants to select options from the material named "PLA"

This is the default view of Material42 which is set up by the company, and as you see there can be a lot of details. It is important to have the right default values for your customers to not get confused by a lot of choices.

So we make it possible to change the display order from the back-office side. To do that you need to go Machines & Materials page and click on the edit button on one of your already-created materials.

Here you can find an Order of display fields under Layer thickness, filling, and post-production items

For layer thickness, if you want to make 300 microns your default value, change the order of display value for Option 1, 200 microns, to "2" and save the settings.

On the widget, 300 microns will now be the default value for the dropdown.

The same procedure works for Filling (Infill).

Post-production options have a similar Order of Display field which makes it easy to put often-requested options closer to the top of the list.

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